The fourth field can be used to filter messages. And be invited to all the most exclusive parties. A good programmer knows how to use them, and once you understand them you will use them for the rest of your life.

I urge you to look into rational expressions. In my example, I am searching for lines containing the word sent, followed by a space, followed by the character 1 or 2, followed by a space, followed by any number of characters, followed by 60s. You will then be able to use a regular expression search pattern. This means you can’t type data OR network, expecting to see all lines containing either data or network.įor more advanced searches, select Regex (third field). The default searches are pretty basic: logical operators can’t be used. The second field can be used to search log messages by keyword. I think you get where I’m going with this. If you select Info, Android Studio will display log messages from the Info level and all the levels below it ( Warn, Error, and Assert). If you select Verbose, Android Studio will display all log messages, regardless of level. The first field can be used to display all the logs of the selected level, the lowest being Verbose and highest being Assert. Fortunately, Android Studio knows this, and has provided some very useful fields on the top right of the logcat window. It isn’t always easy to figure out where you are when you have thousands of log messages on the screen.

We will learn about the advanced features offered by Android Studio for modifying the information to be displayed and applying different colors, and we’ll find out how to save time by using certain shortcuts you won’t hear about just anyplace (you weren’t expecting that, were you?). But do you know how to customize them? In this chapter, we will learn how to configure the appearance of logs. You know how to add logs to your application.